function flamingo_plugin_url( $path = '' ) { $url = plugins_url( $path, FLAMINGO_PLUGIN ); if ( is_ssl() and 'http:' == substr( $url, 0, 5 ) ) { $url = 'https:' . substr( $url, 5 ); } return $url; } function flamingo_array_flatten( $input ) { if ( ! is_array( $input ) ) { return array( $input ); } $output = array(); foreach ( $input as $value ) { $output = array_merge( $output, flamingo_array_flatten( $value ) ); } return $output; } /** * Move a spam to the Trash * * @since 2.1 * * @see wp_trash_post() * */ function flamingo_schedule_move_trash() { // abort if FLAMINGO_MOVE_TRASH_DAYS is set to zero or in minus if ( (int) FLAMINGO_MOVE_TRASH_DAYS <= 0 ) { return true; } $posts_to_move = Flamingo_Inbound_Message::find( array( 'posts_per_page' => 100, 'meta_key' => '_spam_meta_time', 'meta_value' => time() - ( DAY_IN_SECONDS * FLAMINGO_MOVE_TRASH_DAYS ), 'meta_compare' => '<', 'post_status' => Flamingo_Inbound_Message::spam_status, ) ); foreach ( $posts_to_move as $post ) { if ( $post->trash() ) { // delete spam meta time to stop trashing in cron job delete_post_meta( $post->id(), '_spam_meta_time' ); } } } Naucam Experience - Unidos por el Atlántico
We start sailing with the gentle trade winds "Alisio" in the stern!
Macaronesia WildLife Adventure and Macaronesia Sport Fishing Alliance are unprecedented nautical experiences in the Atlantic, and the result of interest in the joint growth of entrepreneurs in the Region